Blog - radar inc.
Unlocking Your Digital Transformation Strategy
May 5, 2022As I continue to share my thoughts on the recently published 2022 RadarFirst Privacy Incident Benchmark Report, I turn my attention to the topic of unlocking your digital transformation strategy. The phrase “digital transformation” is commonly used, and highly desired in maturing companies and industries; however, successful outcomes require the same rigor as we take with, say, product testing.
Read MoreDiscovery to Assessment Timelines Down 20% for RadarFirst Users
Apr 26, 2022In our latest benchmark report, we explore incident management timelines from “Discovery to Assessment,” to learn more about how our users identify and triage incidents through privacy risk assessment. From this assessment, we’re able to demonstrate that across all industries, we have helped our customers reduce this time by over 20% through the continued use of our product.
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