In today’s world of expanding threats and tightening data privacy regulations, security, IT, and privacy teams — along with compliance and legal — must work together when responding to incidents involving protected personal data or risk wasted time and resources.

The RadarFirst integration with ServiceNow enables efficient incident response management throughout the incident workflow, reducing mean time to resolution for privacy incidents.

The Problem

When an incident is detected, the clock starts ticking to investigate and remediate as quickly as possible. In cases where compromised personal data is involved, the privacy team must step in to further investigate and assess risk to determine if that incident rises to the level of a notifiable breach. Too often, security, IT, and privacy teams work in silos, lacking a coordinated system that efficiently manages
incidents and communicates critical findings, creating a gap in the workflow and extending the time to resolution.

The Solution

The RadarFirst integration with ServiceNow seals this gap, providing a closed-loop solution for privacy and security teams. Incidents tracked within ServiceNow that involve personal data and require investigation by the privacy team are routed to RadarFirst for automated risk scoring and assessment in accordance with both regulatory and third-party notification obligations. A bidirectional relationship between the two platforms creates a seamless workflow and facilitates the exchange of critical information across teams, who can now work in parallel to reduce decision time and efficiently resolve incidents.

The RadarFirst integration with ServiceNow satisfies critical capabilities in the incident response lifecycle and allows all teams to work in parallel to reduce decision time.

How it Works

RadarFirst applications for ServiceNow are designed to work with the Security Operations and IT Service Management modules:

RadarFirst for Security Operations (SecOps): The RadarFirst for Security Operations application creates the “Privacy IR by RadarFirst” tab on a security incident, allowing users to initiate a privacy incident in RadarFirst and foster cross-team collaboration.

RadarFirst for IT Service Management (ITSM): The RadarFirst for IT Service Management application creates the “Privacy IR by RadarFirst” tab on an IT incident, allowing users to initiate a privacy incident in RadarFirst and speed incident resolution.

Foundational to the integration is the RadarFirst Connector for ServiceNow application, which is responsible for the link between the ServiceNow platform and RadarFirst. The RadarFirst Connector for ServiceNow application holds the data for linking incidents in ServiceNow with incidents in RadarFirst.

Key Solution Features

Connecting ServiceNow and RadarFirst instances, the integration:

  • Establishes a repository of ServiceNow incidents that are linked with RadarFirst
  • Enables the automatic creation of a privacy incident in RadarFirst populated with the relevant information from a security or IT incident
  • Adds a “Privacy” tab on the IT incident view in ServiceNow (SecOps or ITSM)
  • Allows notes to be bi-directionally shared between ServiceNow and RadarFirst
  • Synchronizes incident data between ServiceNow and RadarFirst including incident status

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