How Do You Define Privacy Risk?

May 18, 2023

As breach costs increase, how does an organization decide where to invest its finite funds? And how do you define privacy risk? There’s one area where the data is clear: incident response. Forming a cross-functional IR team and empowering them with the right tools can have a huge financial impact on breach costs for a relatively small expense.

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The Compliance Trifecta: Privacy, Security, and Legal

Sep 8, 2022

In this blog, we’ll cover how to build a collaborative incident response process. But first, we need to address workplace silos. Unless you’re storing grain on a farm, I think we can all agree that silos are bad, and that collaborative efforts are good. So why do silos continue to plague the business world?

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5 Ways to Operationalize Incident Response with Technology

Sep 8, 2021

Automation in incident response eliminates the subjectivity and inconsistency that is inherent in manual approaches and has been used for years to improve data security and decision-making, and the consistency provided goes a long way for auditors and public trust. 

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Reduce Privacy Risk to Build Investor Confidence

Jul 22, 2021

Armed with tools and their in-depth understanding of the organization’s privacy risks and requirements, the privacy team can conduct tabletop exercises to assess the most likely worst-case scenarios, providing valuable insights to executive decision-makers.

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